The book “Introduction to Regional Studies” was reviewed and critiqued

The book “Introduction to Regional Studies” was reviewed and critiqued 

On May 02, 2021, the Research Center of the University of Afghanistan in collaboration with the Academy of Sciences of Afghanistan held the review session of the book called “Introduction to Regional Studies “, authored by Dr. Mirwais Balkhi, in the conference hall of the Academy of Sciences.

Hundreds of professors, students, researchers, and government guests attended the session. As a starter, the Vice President of the Academy of Sciences, Dr. Rafiullah, welcomed the guests and emphasized the need for more cooperation between the University of Afghanistan and the Academy of Sciences.

Then, Dr. Musa Jafari, a university professor and researcher, spoke about the book and emphasized the publication of such books as an important step in regional studies. He considered the scientific order and structure of the book as positive point praised the author for outlining the evolution of the regional studies. In the end he suggested that more theories should be considered and accommodated in the next edition.

When the dais occupied by Dr. Arian Sharifi, as an expert of international security, he said: “There was a big gap in this field, which has been filled by the publication of this book.” He considered the method of writing and the comprehensiveness of the book as valuable points of the work.

Mr. Abdul Shakur Salangi, a researcher at the Afghan Academy of Sciences, referred to the length of the book and said that it would be good to work on it more in the future.

Finally, Dr. Mirwais Balkhi, Professor of International Relations and author of the book, replied to the critics and emphasized on the importance of indigenization of International Relations in Afghanistan.

The book Basics of Regional Studies, in addition to the regional studies textbooks, seeks to define Afghanistan’s position in the surrounding regional order and refute existing views. In the last chapter, this book provides a definition of the region of Afghanistan and proposes scientific and practical solutions to achieve it.